Wednesday, December 17, 2014

1/2 off from Christmas till 2/15 “Can there be forgiveness between these two?” Lindsay Townsend asked in her 5 Star Review.

“Opening where "No Other Choice" stops, "Choosing to Be" reveals the often difficult and emotionally charged journey of faith that the two main characters, Naomi and Chaz have to make. They must learn to put aside fear and anger, to understand and to finally forgive.

The author does not diminish the tasks in front of the young married couple, nor lessen the emotional stakes that are involved. This is a multi-layered read, as should be in a saga that explores the deep issues of faith and history, unafraid to reveal how the struggle for reconciliation and forgiveness is an on-going one. It is also a study in a religious community, of the wonders of faith working through women and men.”

About Paula Rose Michelson
As a Messianic Jew, Paula Rose Michelson wanted to write about life, love, choices, and forgiveness. She researched what befell the Jews baptized into the Catholic faith to survive the Inquisition. When Paula began writing, Naomi started talking to her.  

Though her story is unique, Naomi's issues of fear and hiding are universal. Having an extensive background in recovery as a Chemical Dependency - Lifestyle Disorder Councilor, worked with The Rubicon Center, and founded LAMB Ministries in 1988 to mentor women suffering from trauma and abuse, the author knows that the issues Naomi has are those seen in anyone who is masking their real pain. That is why six inspirational romances were written, three of which have been published.

Paula told me that continuing to mentor women like Naomi the way God mentored her, she recently published her first of seven Christian Self-Help books stemming from this work. Her joy in having had an issue ladened life until Christ freed her is that it equipped this author to write books and articles to encourage and show God's mercy, love and

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